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Anchor 1
Sweetose Healthy Sugar
Meld Healthcare presents SWEETOSE – A HEALTHY SUGAR
100% Pure Cane sugar infused with natural herbal extracts (like Fenugreek, Turmeric, Black pepper, Dried Ginger, Neem Leaves, Cinnamon, Jamun Seed) that reduce its GI.The GI is a way of 'ranking' carbohydrate foods according to the speed at which they cause our blood glucose levels to rise and fall. High GI foods are more quickly digested and absorbed, tend to raise blood glucose levels quickly. While low GI foods break down slowly, gradually releasing glucose into the bloodstream, which helps in controlling blood glucose levels.

Low GI Diet Sugar Features
Low Glycemic
(GI) Index
Regular sugar & Artificial
Sweetener Substitute
Anchor 2

Help to supress the
demand of Insulin Post
Help maintain
long term
Weight Loss
Maintains Blood
Glucose level
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